Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So you had a Bad Day?

So you had a bad day?
Barely alive... hardly breathing?
No one out there to walk you down the aisle?
Then maybe still alive, but barely breathing?
Mournin' the loss of your peace of mind...your sanity?
Lost somewhere in the wilderness of your creative imagination?
Unable to make sense of the paltry remains?
Cruelly dashed to the point of no hope?
Still brilliantly clueless?
No one around to put you first?
Heard it all before?

Has your individuality been deflowered?
Maybe you have been asleep for way too long?
Have your best days turned out to be your worst?
What do you do when you just cannot stop bleedin'?
So you don't know what to say to those who already know what to say?
What are you actually supposed to do when the best part of you is chokin' you?

So there you are... all alone... again.



What if it is your turn to cry...
...Don't they say that bad things happen for a reason...
Is'nt it about tym you conned yourself into imagining a golden line to that fabled silver cloud...
Take a peek outside the window pane.
Maybe what you need is a conversation... or again, maybe not.

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