Monday, July 26, 2010


I miss dropping you back home...
I miss pretending to be your BodyGuard...
I miss those "walks"...
I miss the yapyapyapyap sessions...
I miss the late Metro rides...
I miss the random movies...
I miss BCLing...
I miss getting stranded with you...
I miss our impromptu shopping sessions...
I miss our ONE fight...
I miss the nightstays...
I miss the cribbing...
I miss always being there with you...
I miss taking you for granted...
I miss the craziness...
I miss the seriousness...
I miss AlphaNumeric...
I miss IP...
I miss the autorides...
I miss the roadcrossing...
I miss your scolding...
I miss your agreeing with everything...
I miss our consensus...
I miss our LoveLyfs...
I miss trying to set you up with whackos...
I miss being the Knight-In-Shining-Armour...
I miss being mommied by thee...
I miss the giggling...
I miss Capitol...
I miss drinking with thee...
I miss being sober with thee...
I miss your accidents...
I miss YOU!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Why I might just be missing Delhi.

(As always, in no particular order or sense.)
Try not to read too much in between the lines… It will just confuse thee!
*Smug smile*

~I miss the Construction Site which Delhi has become owing to the CommonWealthGames.
BTW, I am also gonna terribly miss Volunteering for the the CWG… =/

~ 95 FM. Or for that matter, ANY English FM.

Chennai has no dearth of people conversing in Sign Language/ Baby Talk… but try to get them to talk English and it turns out to be a horrid mix of Tamil+English=Tinglish. I have nothing against Tinglish other than the inglorious fact that I do NOT understand it. Hmph!

~Buying Movie Tickets in Current.
I miss Satyam+PVR+BIG+FUNCINEMAS and the lyk… I do! I do! I do! =/

~Miss my PhoneRecharge Bhaiya.
Here I have an Uncle typish personality who wants to pass himself off as an Anna. Not with those jhaadolyk mustaches, no you don’t!

~Momma cutting my Nails. =|… =/… =[

~My Hangers!!!
I miss seeing all my clothes beautifully lined up. Hanging in my Wardrobe. In my hangers.
I miss thee, dearest wacky collection of Hangers.

~ My Retarded PC. Sometimes.

~ My Mooozik.
Because, I still don’t know where I saved the stuff I moved from my PC to my Lappie.
Vanished without a trace!

~ My Accessories Collection.
*My Belts
*My Shoes
*My Chappals
*My Bangles
*My Earrings
*My Rings
My Preciousss!

I have some of the world's yummiest BestFriends...
Some of them are my kind.
Some are completely opposite.
Some actually hate me... for certain things.
The rest just Lub me lyk crazy...
And I lub them back!

~Clicking a Gogol pics.
*Mirror Pics
*Group Pics
*Shady pics
*Posing Pics
*Up-Above-The-World Pics...
Its just not the same in Chennai... or anywhere else for that matter.
My 7610 Supernova misses being used.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

ChickenPoxing in Chennai~

I am an extremist. I always do things in extreme. Or I do not do them at all.
E.g., I had been warned not to fall sick during my ten month stint in ACJ.
Duh! Of course, how in the wide world was I gonna resist the temptation... I just had to! And the best part was I chose to fall sick with Chicken Pox!
Why you ask... because I love being referred to as "Kentucky Fried Baxter".
Plus, I wanted to assist my Comrades-in-Arms. You know who you are.

Following are snatches of my ongoing war with words / ramblings of a dangerous kind / blaaaaah bleeeeeh bleeeeep. Take your pick.

~ In answer to my queries of how badly disfigured a Landmine do I have on my face, I have been informed that I look lyk a movie star. I guess they were referring to the Exorcist. Not bad.

~ Having visitors right now is the human equivalent of being a prized caged animal in a zoo. They all expect me to perform a trick. I tried The Exorcist Back-Flip. So did NOT happen. But I definitely managed a backache.

~ Ever since those blessed Neem leaves came into my possession I look lyk something out of a Jadoo Tona movie...

~ However I may detest this place, I have made a couple of lifelong friends already.
They were there when I started cribbing left, right, centre and in a hundred other directions when my “fever” just would not wish me BuhBye.
They are the ones who lemme cry my heart out when the painful boils broke out.
There are also some who find my boils eerily mystifying.
And then there are those who put lacto all over them. Not a berry tempting job in the best of times.
They are the kinds who get drenched trying to get idlis for me.
Lets not forget the ones who got thrown out of their own rooms. My Bad!

~Whoever said the Pox will go away soon, better define "soon".
Descriptions vary from a candid three to four *gulps* weeks to two-three days.
The latter is my cue for screaming lyk a Banshee... "LIAAAAAAAR!!!"

~BTW, A word about the Warden.
She may not give you Night-Outs, nor will she allow you in after 10 PM ( which if you try arguing with, turns down to 9.30 PM).
She does not understand the concept of having a ( non-existent ) social life.
She converses in a mix of sign language and Tinglish( Tamil+English ).
She thinks water means Buttermilk. At least in my case.
She fines you for losing your own wallet. So I have heard.
...but she is the BESTEST person in ACJ. =)
She helped me survive my cruelest days in the ACJ Hostel. She mommied me when I missed my Momma beyond a doubt. She was the one who covered me with Neem paste and bathed me out in open ( That part I did NOT lyk…) But I have to admit, she is one genuinely helpful person. Period. =)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Rainy Day

It was one of those days. The kind which Manoj found equally fascinating and yet foolishly irritating. Huddled under the local chaiwala's shack, along with the other nudging commuters, the sound of the raindrops falling on the asbestos sounded like frying onions to him. The road in front of him was a live example of chaos in action. The two-wheelers trying to make their way out of the traffic were honking more than usual. The cars with their blaring music were trying to make their way out of cycle gaps. A few brave people in garishly coloured umbrellas were trying to cross to the bus-stand on the other side. The cause of all this, the massive Coca-Cola truck, whose monstrous wheels were stuck in the submerged muddy potholes was the only one standing idly. Yes, it was a busy day as usual.